Tuesday, September 21, 2010

CommentLuv For WordPress - The Sequel

After making my last blog post Enable CommentLuv On Your Blog, the coolest thing happened.

Download now or watch on posterous
commentluv2.mp4 (16872 KB)
The whole point of this blog post was to demonstrate how CommentLuv for WordPress benefits you in many different ways.

What happened is revealed in the video, but it just goes to prove the power of this WordPress plugin.  Check out this video to get the rest of the story:

As you can see, some of the benefits are totally unexpected.  The moral of the story is to actually use CommentLuv.  Imagine if you leave 5 comments each day, 5 days each week, after one month you could have 100 of these stories like mine!

Use this WordPress plugin every day to get traffic, grow links, but most of all, build relationships.  It's called Social Marketing for a reason, go get Social!

Check out all of my YouTube videos @ DavidMadduxVideos

Visit my Internet Marketing Blog @ DavidMaddux.com


  1. Interesting layout on your blog. I really enjoyed reading it and also I will be back to read more in the future.Vancouver Internet Marketing

  2. Ack! I was going to write about this too!
    I find myself seriously having a problem with sequels, specifically in dystopian trilogies (Matched/Crossed, Delirium/Pandemonium, Wither/Fever) because somehow the second book always takes us AWAY from everything that just happened. Okay, I understand that you just escaped the society, now onto real life, etc, but they also took away too many things at once – the setting, the love interest, and the story line changes as well. It’s too many things to change at once. It’s especially hard to deal with because those were all Book 1s that I LOVED and then I get so bummed with Book 2

  3. Its a pleasure to find such a detailed blog post on ‘Blogging’. I have been following your blog since past few weeks now and it has been quiet a learning for me. Really appreciate the fact that you share genuine and highly useful information on this blog. I am having a little confusion in understanding Yoast SEO plugin. It would be great if you could do a video on it.
    Jayme Silvestri
